shu shu baby!

quotes from Mr. Uemura
"Beauty is not created by cooincedence."
"Beauty brings pleasure to people."
"Beauty is imagined by the heart."
"Makeup is one of the best ways to reveal a person's essence."
"Makeup is a beauty enhancement rather than a camouflage."
"The most important factor is how to move people's hearts."
I spent four days in Fort Lauderdale last week in shu uemura basic training. It was absolutley amazing - largely due our trainer Misumi Kitano! She's has such an amazing spirit and amount of knowledge. I was in Zen heaven all week. I love so much about the Japanese culture. And it was fantastic to hear all of Mr. Uemura's philosophies, of course the product knowledge, and learning how well planned this line is - everything has a purpose and was designed with so much insight.
It was such a pleasurable week. I wish I could have written while I was there. It was reminiscent of the feeling I had when I first starting with MAC. That excitement and belief in what the company is about and in turn being excited and believing in what I am doing again. The spirit of this company is so right. It may just be makeup, but it really is more. I realize that ultimately I am selling a product, but if I can make someone feel more beautiful and confident, then how amazing is that? Maybe we are selling pleasure. There was another quote from Mr. Uemura that I don't have verbatim, but it was something like if you feel more beautiful, you actually become more beautiful.
The group of people that I was with all week were such beautiful people in spirit themselves that I felt more beautiful and life felt more harmonious.
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