Saturday, January 07, 2006

how do you say deee-lovely, deee-licious, deee-vine?!

Lady Miss Kier - that's how. At a recent performance at Circuit in Chicago, former Deee-Lite member Lady Miss Kier performed some new songs and some classic Deee-Lite hits. Is there a new record from Miss Kier on the way? I can only hope. And by the way, shame on all of my friends in Chicago that didn't go see her - if only to report back to me! BASTARDS!


Blogger Chargenda said...

I was there! She was great!

9:37 AM  
Blogger Jeff said...

You can check out some of Kier's new music on The Ronkatdelic Show! or this Friday the 13th in San Francisco - Jeff

11:24 AM  
Blogger David said...

thanks, jeff! that was great! wish i could be in San Fran this weekend.

4:50 PM  

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