south beach and brandon. finding the light.

After my training was finished, Brandon picked me up and we headed down to his place in South Beach. The usual sort of partying ensued, but this time it felt a little different. I really saw Brandon in such a different head-space. He seems much happier and more content then I think I've ever really seen him. I felt it too. After my week of shu uemura sweetness, it was great to continue to feel this light.
We layed on the beach on Saturday and talked about his Kaballah studies and for the first time I fully understood why he was doing it and what it seemed to be doing for him. I'm not saying I'm going to start going myself, but it is tempting. I also realized that I have so many amazing people in my life that bring light to my life. And he obviously is one of them. These are the people that I should always be looking for and keeping around me.
Friday night we went to Jade (it actually has a different name now, but they all still call it Jade) where I met Graham Norton last time I was in South Beach. We drank and danced and had a fun time. Then onto Twist, which is always fun and crazy.
Saturday night we went to the Aquabooty party at this club called Glass. It was mostly a straight club, but certainly pretty mixed. The dj was from New York and kept me happy, smiling, and my feet moving all night. Dancing to good music really is like therapy for me. I told Brandon's roommate Christine, that it was like food for my soul! Okay, I was a little drunk, but I really meant it. It is a healing experience for me.
Sunday the beautiful weather turned a bit - down to 52 degrees, so we spent the day walking around and being a little lazy. It was great. Can't wait to go back. Maybe even move there at some point. There is a nice energy there.
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