Sunday, March 12, 2006

so sad! so dramatic! i admit i cried

Did she really have to die?
Poor Alice.

Why is it that both the L Word and Queer as Folk have the WORST theme songs? Ughh. I cringe every time. Is that really how lesbians live? I'm refering to the song of course. Samm, can you answer that? ;)

On a lighter note, Shane really is incredibly hot. I know this is old news, but I just felt like reiterating that. She's the kind of woman that I would see on the street, from some distance, and think - dammit he is really cute... and then realize "he" was in fact a cute lesbian. I've done that so many times.

I CAN'T wait for the season finale!


Blogger Sam said...

this show is so damn heavy, but i love to watch hot babes.

10:05 PM  

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